Graduate Programs

Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program

Health Sciences
Master’s Program and Doctoral Program
The Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - PCF), in the Biologically Active Natural and Synthetic Products area, was founded in 2001 encompassing the Master’s Program and later included the Doctoral Program in 2006, aiming at the teaching and research in the multidisciplinary aspects of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The quality and interdisciplinarity of the program are based on the outstanding scientific and academic education of professors and researchers. The multidisciplinarity of the PCF may be certified through the advisors’ diversified academic and scientific background, who are graduate, masters and PhDs in different areas of the Pharmaceutical and related Sciences. As a result, the program publishes in journals of distinct areas, which include basic, applied and technological innovation research. Twenty-two professors (nineteen as associate professors and three as assistant ones) are in the program at the moment. The program certified 301 graduate students with the Master’s degree and 125 with the Doctoral degree, two of whom received double PhD degrees (from Brazil and the Netherlands).
Laura Zanetti and Milena Alonso
Gustavo Favaretto and Aline Kiminami

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